Device Details


Name | Version: Push Buttons - Free Toggle Button Controller 1.0
Author: Metamagicum
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Push Buttons is a small macro mapper where you can trigger a specific value of a dial in your Live Set with a button / toggle button.

The idea is not new but very effective. Especially when working on screen, it's much easier and faster to push a button than to turn a dial knob...


- Up to 8 mappers with min / max range and randomizer
- Input quantization (Live transport must be aktive!)
- As always a multicolored exterior

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Push the button!

Push Buttons: 1.0 tested on Windows 10
Tested Max Version: 8.3.1 / 8.5.6 / 8.6.4
Tested Ableton Live Version: 11.2.0 / 12.0.0 / 12.0.5


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 26 2024 02:07:52
Date Last Updated: Aug 12 2024 20:45:27
Downloads: 0
License: AttributionNonCommercial
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